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This is what it takes to enjoy Croatia in the summer of 2021

A year has passed since the Covid-19 appeared, and it seems as if we have an almost identical situation. You are probably wondering again if you are allowed to travel in the summer of 2021, and in case the answer is yes – where, how and if it makes any sense at all.

It makes sense! The light at the end of the tunnel is somewhere nearby, though it may not seem to you at the moment.

Just keep reading and find out how little you need for an unforgettable vacation in Croatia, even in these tough times for tourism.

Photo credit: Nikola Radojcic / Unsplash

1. Positive thinking

First of all, you need to discard all negative thoughts.

You may find it difficult now since plans to ease restrictions have been rolled back in most of the countries and lockdowns return or are extended, but if we endure a little more with such a way of life, we will be able to travel in the summer. I think it is better to be in our houses now and drink coffee we made ourselves at home than in the summer when it’s 30+ degrees and when you would just throw yourself into the blue Adriatic sea and drink coffee or a cocktail from a bar on the beach.

Photo credit: DubrovnikTimes / Twitter

We survived 2020, when we had no idea what a coronavirus was. True, we do not know exactly even now, but at least we have a slightly better perception given that we’ve already gone through two or three different waves of a pandemic.

If it was possible to travel then, it will certainly be possible now! So I would like to tell you once again – positive thoughts and everything will be fine! Sure, it won’t make the pandemic disappear, but it will certainly make it easier to approach it with a more positive outlook and help you decide to travel. 

2. Decision

Now that we’ve gone through our first necessary item and we have surrounded ourselves with positive energy, it’s time for a decision.

Say it loud to yourself – I will travel this summer!

Call your friends, girlfriend, boyfriend, gather your family, whoever you want to spend a quality vacation with, and agree on a destination and the best period of time. As the weather warms up and country borders slowly begin to reopen, travel still seems to be very much on the table in the coming months. Of course, you should be extra cautious and think about your health and safety because after all, that is what matters the most.

To be safe and really feel that way, there is Croatia as a country that is taking all necessary measures and whose safety protocols respect global standards in all segments of tourism. Moreover, the Croatian National Tourist Board together with the Ministry of Tourism presented the national safety label – Stay Safe in Croatia

It is assigned to all stakeholders from the Croatian tourism sector and others who are part of the travel chain, and who implement certain measures. This is done by the vast majority of tourism workers because it is in the interest of all of us to keep our guests safe and healthy. You can take a look at the video here and find out more about it.

What is also important is that protective measures don’t eliminate the fun of travelling! So you can steer your decision to Croatia and come here without regret.

3. Assistance of a travel agent

Of course, if you have a will and enough time, you can organize your trip yourself. But one local expert will surely point you to some things that would never cross your mind or discover some places you probably won’t come across on the internet. Best of all, you don’t need to stress about looking for things to do or combining activities by the day – all you have to do is arrive at your destination, everything else will be taken care of by someone else.

Doesn’t it sound awesome?

If you’ve been here before, I believe you’ve known the location well enough to plan it yourself now, but on the other hand, now the knowledge of a local travel agent will be especially helpful as it will show you new places you can visit and new activities you can participate in – the “less touristy” ones you can’t find in daily leaflets, and which will be etched in your memory forever.

In these times of pandemic, the assistance of a travel agent is certainly welcome. You would have someone on your side to keep you informed of the current situation and to serve you if any change needs to be made.

So if you want, we’ll be more than happy to help you and ensure you a safe stay and an unforgettable experience in Croatia.

Discover hidden bays with us

You only need to let us know about all your wishes and based on these information we will send you an itinerary tailor-made to you. Of course, once you get it you will be able to modify it until you get your perfect trip. Do not be afraid to express all your desires, because we can organize everything – whether it is a multi-day stay in Split, adventure from Zadar to Split, two-day Dubrovnik trip, cruising or something completely different. These are just our suggestions, but you can take a look at some of the activities we offer – you will surely find something for yourself.

Shh, we also have a secret weapon – some special activities that no one else offers here and that are not listed on our website, so be sure with us you’ll have a unique Croatian experience.

What would be better than laying at home knowing someone else is tailoring your vacation according to all your wishes?

4. Waiting for the selected date

Once you have agreed with the agent on the whole route of your itinerary and all the details, the worst step of the process remains – waiting for the date of the trip. 

Some people usually prepare for the location in that period, watch posted photos and videos on social networks, and I recommend that you rather do everything you have to by then to be able to have a stress-free vacation.

Photo credit: Terri Cnudde / Pixabay

5. Time to turn off your brain and relax on vacation

I don’t know about you, but I’m always super excited a few days before the trip. The closer that day gets, the more I want to know what awaits me when I step in a certain location – whether I’m visiting it for the first time or coming back again.

For me every trip really means leaving stress or any kind of problems at home and enjoying my vacation the best I can. And I think that’s what you need to do, too! True, now we are in such times that we cannot relax 100% – we worry more, we think more because of the whole situation, we are more careful because of the possible consequences and are constantly exposed to the news from TV, newspaper and internet whether we like it or not, or we hear “corona” conversation of the people sitting at the table next to us in the bar.

But given the safety that Croatia ensures by implementing all security measures, here you will be in the right location to enjoy and relax on your vacation even during a global pandemic.

With our healthy and delicious Mediterranean food and wine, you can’t be bad! 😉

Photo credit: Ksenia Chernaya / Pixabay

This will pass soon too, and then you will be sorry that you didn’t take the opportunity to come to Croatia when there are many fewer tourists than usual. As the song of a famous band from Split says: “…because everything passes, it remains only in us, in hearts, in the mind and in the photo album.” Don’t let your heart, mind and photo album remain empty.

If you are interested here you can check out another blog post that can give you some ideas for your trip. Take action and get in touch with us.

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